Gonna get cold now, Mr. Hardy
Very, very cold.
pfc James Hardy awakes
to a New World Odor
in 2016 and yet again!
in 2024? Yup. Another 4
years of lying assholes,
Mister pfc Jimmy Hardy.
"I tell you, we are here on earth to just fart around,
and don't let anybody tell you different." Kurt Vonnegut
Dare To Be Dumb
Motor Mike exhibits the perfect fashion statement for times of stress...
And hot off the press, an unmistakeable Bulwinkle Sun in a garden in
Montecito, California in the early 1990s. From an LA Times article in 1998.
Above, Mike Haney's red cone 5 clay over cooked to cone 6, and below
a mold from 1977 cooked to cone 5 in reduction. So I go back 55 years to
NYC where I first became interested in clay. My neighbor, Tanya, asked
if I was still doing my hobby here where I live in a 7000 square foot
metal building. I guess I am doing my hobby here. After all, maybe
that is all the practice of art really is in a culture like ours. How naive
to think of it as a profession. Those who think of it as a profession
have never experienced what it is to have one, a profession. Being a
dentist or a soldier or a politician, say, now there are professions.
Mark Bulwinkle - 2024 -
Photo by Eva Soltes of Harrison House
Santa's Tam by Agnes Rettie
Rake Boy / 1947
A Desert Aminal
"Dog eat Dog" / 47"x42" / hand cut from 10g hot rolled sheet steel / June 2022
One of twenty-two different panels created for an old brick building at the
foot of Park St. in Emeryville, California.
In the collection of a criminal defence lawyer is the much loved and
very sophisticated sculpture from the early 1990's, Stupid Fuck Brane.
Used as a thinking cap for his clients, I am told.
"Just gimme the leavings, and that will do."
A poem gate to the desert varmints of The Mojave Desert - 2021
"What work inspires you?," they ask.
"My work."
The Famous Baseball Players of 1973
As an artist, should you live long enough,
stuff starts sailing back to you and others
want to know it's value. Like me, I tell them,
it is priceless. I will never happen again.
Ruthie with the fruits of her loom
in 1947. One war was over but
another about to begin, for
Ruthie and George and...
Easter Sunday, 1949, Weston, Mass., USA
Three kids waiting to grow up... One
never did, grow up. What for?
"Life is hard. And then you die"
- Johnny Winter -
"Pretty Doggie", 2023, oil crayon on shellacked
craft paper. 4ft x 6ft
"Snakey Wakey" and "Big Fish"
Each 4'x6' oil crayon on shellacked
craft paper - March 2024
"Gecco Thing" 4ft x 6ft
"Jack Rabbit" sharpie drawing and
computer generated image / 2023
4" x 6" , Post Card
Awwww. Just kidding.
Finally I have arrived! From San Francisco a young woman came
across in an atique shop in the Mission District a large silk screen
I created in 1973. She wrote and asked if she could use it as a
tattoo. So now not only am I an antique but I am a tattoo on
a complete stranger's right arm. Pretty good job too.
Sometimes life is Perfict. Prefict. Perfect.
But the text, "Fuck You All," is missing!
Well, you can't have everything. But, thanks so much
for asking. Most people just steal the images.
Wow from Bal'more, Maryland, USA
The studio and home of Trisha
and David Friedheim in Baltimore
"Shandra", by Marky B. 2023
Farting around cutting wood in 1968, when I felt really wanted.
Actual size woodcut hand burnished on Japanese rice paper.
And below, four beauteous whoreseys created in 2020 here in Oakland, California.
No farting around here! 1973, enamel silk screen on board.
"Woman" 1. 4' x6', oil crayon on shellacked craft paper 2024
A Sketchy from 2024
Enamel silk screen from 1973. Farting around with homeland security.
1975 news print paper stencil and poster ink silk screen, 8" x 8"
Farting around with cut steel in 2015, above, and in 2016, below.
I love this piece of cut sheet steel. It is so elegantly cut. No BS about it.
YumYum the Yucca Tree. Fall at Fart Around Central in California.
Somewhere in Orinda, California an archway from about 1995
is lit by the early morning sun
"Ha!", says Ms. Sun, farting around down there in Joshua Tree, California.
Farting around for the San Francisco Jewish Museum in 2014.
Slip cast ceramic multiples all reduction fired to different colors
(Above) Lovers farting around in flame cut sheet steel in 1987.
My big brother George, Ruthie, and me just farting around in 1947
on the split rail fence in front of the house she bought when notified
that her husband George was killed at the Battle of the Bulge.
George advised her to buy it because he knew he was not coming
home. And then he did. Mostly in one piece (at least on the outside).
I dedicate my latest painting to my big brother, George. After all, he was the best artist.
27 feet of some major farting around. "My Song of Oakland." 2018
Sarah and Rex, the proprietors of the Country Kitchen in Joshua Tree, California.
Sometimes I get to have some fun cutting steel, as only I can do. Above, from 2020
is one of those times. About 3.5 ft. x 10 ft. Sheet steel. Private comission
for clients in Santa Monica, California. Really, where else?
The Reefer Paintings from 1992
Reefer painting 1, acrylic on rag paper, 4'x6', 1992
Reefer painting 2, acrylic on rag paper, 4'x6', 1992
Reefer painting 3, acrylic on rag paper, 4'x6', 1992
Woods painting, Rustoleum on rag paper, 1986, 4'x5'
Woods painting, Rustoleum on rag paper, 1986, 4'x5'
Jersey Joany, acrylic on shellacked craft paper, 4'x6', 2021
Somewhere in Colorado is Carmen's Road Runner Cafe
Somewhere in Bend Oregon a screen from 1993 hangs.
"Two girls for every boy" so the song goes.
Slip cast molded ceramic painted with synthetic enamel
Slip cast glazed ceramic 1973
Slip cast glazed ceramic 1973
Artomat paw print reduction fired ceramic stoneware
Leaping lady "JOY" from the late sixties deemed
pornographic by the standards of 2022. However,
over 6500 of these boxes sold from vintage cigarette
machines before I quit. Nudity? Pornography?
Really. Where are we, humans? The only real
thing pornagraphic here is cigarettes themselves.
Who says high art is not accessible? Fuck thems.
And somewhere in the window in an outer Mission district
in San Francisco, Ca. is a tin can cut out of Mr. Rabbit watching
his gizmo and a leaping dog in a birch tree base.
Cuz, in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King...
But the king of what? Dude...
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